3770 Star Wars FDC - Miniature Sheet stamps from PSB

3770 Star Wars FDC - Miniature Sheet stamps from PSB

Product Details

: 2010
: Great Britain
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Product Description

17 December 2015 - Miniature Sheet stamps from Star Wars Prestige Stamp Book.

Following the issue of 12 stamps and a miniature sheet of Star Wars-related stamps issued in October, Royal Mail issued a Prestige Stamp Book to coincide with the release of the new film in the franchise. 

The Miniature Sheet stamps are spaced over two separate panes, and thus will be given full catalogue listing.   This FDC has the 6 stamps which will be separately listed from MS3770 (shown below) with 17.12.15 as their issue date.  Covers like this are likely to be scarce.  Only 2 available.

£8.50 inc. tax
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