FV07.3 PhilaKorea 2014 Machin MA13 Faststamp set

FV07.3 PhilaKorea 2014 Machin MA13 Faststamp set

Product Details

: R32
: Great Britain

Product Description

PhilaKorea 2014 World Stamp Expo Machin Faststamp set

Undated Machin Post and Go Faststamps produced in Korea at the Exhibition from machine A3 003 or A004.  Machin stamps with year code MA13 were produced by machine A004.

Added inscription

PhilaKorea 2014
World Stamp Expo

The datastring on theses is

B8KR14 A004-nnnn-xxx (where nnnn is the session number and xxx the stamp number.

Similar stamps with the same caption were printed in the UK sold by Royal Mail from Tallents House, but we know of no MA13 stamps produced in the UK.

This is a Korea-produced MA13 Collectors Strip of 6.
£13.95 inc. tax
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